We add sauce or jelly rich in fat-soluble vitamins and complex minerals additives.
Adding sauce
04. Adding sauce
The product is packaged in individual packages (pouches), internally layered with polymer aluminum, to guarantee product safety throughout its shelf life and prevent the polymer from migrating into the product.
All raw materials are stored at -18 ℃ or lower. When delivered to the production site, they are stored at an intermediate or storage buffer at +4 ℃ or lower. This is very important in order to maintain meat quality, prevent fat oxidation and protein spoilage.
We check each batch of purchased raw materials to verify its microbiological, physical and chemical indicators, as well as contamination using a metal detector.
01. Raw material preparation
05. Packaging
06. Sterilization
The product undergoes a sterilization process, which helps preserve its nutritional value for 2 years.
Meat and other ingredients are minced and thoroughly stirred until smooth in strict proportions so that each piece meets the advertised composition and is full of vitamins and micronutrients necessary for proper nutrition.
Grinding, mixing and homogenization
02. Grinding, mixing and homogenization
Raw material preparation
The product is pressure formed, heat treated with steam, which saturates it with moisture and gives it an appropriate texture that is easy to consume. After that, it is divided into servings.
Product preparation
03. Product preparation